How the Junk Science Shaken Baby Syndrome Infected the Criminal Legal System w/Dr. Julie Mack and Randy Papetti
A Deep Dive into the Junk Science, Shaken Baby Syndrome w/Dr. Julie Mack and Randy Papetti
The Problems and Promise of Public Defense in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania w/Rob Perkins and Dan Eichinger
The Fight to Improve Public Defense in Allegheny County w/Rob Perkins and Dan Eichinger
How the Fear of Too Much Justice Keeps Our Legal System Cruel w/Stephen Bright
How the Fear of Too Much Justice Keeps the Legal System Trapped in Amber w/Stephen Bright
Why Are Prisoners at Virginia's Red Onion Prison Severely Burning Themselves? w/Phil Wilayto
Why are Prisoners at the Red Onion Prison Self-Immolating w/Phil Wilayto
Why it's Nearly Impossible to Hold the Government Accountable for Violating your Rights w/Joanna Schwartz
Why it is so difficult to hold the government accountable for violating your rights w/Joanna Schwartz
How Prosecutors Might get Rewarded for Messing Up the Harvey Weinstein Case w/Amanda Jack
How Prosecutors might get even more power for messing up the Harvey Weinstein Trial w/Amanda Jack
One Step Forward and Two Steps Back Mississippi Public Defense w/Andre de Gruy
More Road Blocks for Public Defense Improvement in Mississippi w/Andre de Gruy
How A.I. Can Help Public Defenders Challenge Police and Prosecutors Part 2 w/Prabhas Pokharel
How AI is helping Public Defenders Comb Through Hours of Body Worn Camera w/Prabhas Pokharel
How A.I. is Helping Police and Prosecutors Surveil, Arrest, and Incarcerate People w/Andrew Ferguson
How to think about the Fourth Amendment in the digital era and how to combat the use of A.I. by police and prosecutors w/Andrew Ferguson
How A.I. Can Help Public Defenders Challenge Police and Prosecutors Part 1 w/IV Ashton
How AI Can Help Public Defenders w/IV Ashton
How Mitigation is Helping Veterans Escape the Criminal Legal System w/Nancy Farrell and Dee Miller
Helping Veterans Escape the Legal System with the Help of Mitigation w/Dee Miller and Nancy Farrell
How NAPD is Fostering a National Forum for Public Defense Innovations w/Jeff Sherr
What the NAPD is doing to Foster a Forum for Public Defense Innovations w/Jeff Sherr
What the History of ULCA’s Police Department Tells Us About the Issues with Campus Police
What the History of ULCA’s Police Department Tells Us About the Issues with Campus Police w/Andrew Guerrero
The Successes and Failings of Plea Bargaining in Europe w/Rebecca Shaeffer
How Plea Bargaining does and doesn’t Work throughout Europe w/Rebecca Shaeffer
How South Dakota is Fixing its Public Defense Crisis w/Aditi Goel
Is there hope for change in South Dakota Public Defense? w/Aditi Goel
What Can be Learned About Plea Bargaining from Japan's Failed Plea Experiment w/Lucian Dervan
The Lessons Learned About Plea Bargaining From Japan’s Failed Plea Experiment w/Lucian Dervan
A Judicial Candidate Speaks Out Against Retaliation by a High Ranking Member of Oregon Public Defense w/Rachel Philips
The Portland Judicial Candidate Speaking out Against Retaliation by a High Ranking Member of Oregon Public Defense w/Rachel Philips
Does Bail Reform Impact Crime Rates? w/Ames Grawert
Does Bail Reform Impact Crime Rates? w/ Ames Grawert
How Participatory Defense Gets the Community Involved in the Courtroom w/Raj Jayadev
How participatory defense offers the next evolution of public defense w/Raj Jayadev
How the Innocence Project of New Orleans is Fighting to Keep the Innocent out of Prison w/Jee Park
How the Innocence Project of New Orleans is fighting to Keep the Innocent out of Jail w/Jee Park